Tuesday, February 9, 2010

let's trade

i'm quite happy with my bread baking journey so far. and i'm proud to say that my 100% wholemeal bread is very tender and delicious! could bake this right every time now. as the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

been meaning to explore other interests/hobbies. one particularly attracts me is making my own soap. i did ask around. one person wanted rm150 to teach me how to do it. i actually know how to do it but i just need to know where to source for lye (or sodium hydroxide). anyway, i'm not that keen to part with rm150.

that said, why not do a trade?

anyone interested in learning how to bake bread, can visit me at my place in taman oug, kuala lumpur as i bake bread every sunday. see how i do it and i'll share where i buy my supplies. actually everything is on this site but nothing beats seeing the process unfold in front of your eyes.

all i ask for is... you share a hobby with me too. i'm interested in making my own soap but if you have something else to share, that's fine with me too. as long as it strikes my fancy. it's all about learning new things, new experience and opening up new horizons. i'm interested in lots of stuffs but a lifetime is just too short to learn everything.

i'm serious about this and i've posted an ad in mudah.my to spread the word.

so do contact me if you are interested!


  1. did you not find it at the shop i told you about in ara damansara? Happy New Year

    Mardia and Mustaffa

  2. hi mustaffa

    the shop that sells lye? nope, haven't been there yet. been travelling the past few weeks so haven't looked into this seriously. i think i could do so in the coming weeks.

    hey, i solved the problem i told you about, transfering very wet dough to the oven.

    and i had all this in my house! dang!

    thx for everything!
